There are so many unexamined assumptions in this argument. Why do you assume that a super intelligent AI would find humanity wanting? You admit it would be different than us. So, why would it find us inferior? We will have qualities it doesn’t have. There is nothing to say it wouldn’t find itself wanting. Moreover, even if it did, why is it assumed that it would then decide humanity must be destroyed? Where does that logic come from? That makes no sense. I suppose it is possible but I see no reason to think that is certain or some sort of necessary conclusion. I find dogs wanting but I don’t desire to murder them all. The whole argument assumes that any super intelligent being of any sort would look at humanity and necessarily and immediately decide it must be destroyed.
That is just people projecting their own issues and desires onto AI. They find humanity wanting for whatever reason and if they were in a position above it and where they could destroy it they would conclude it must be destroyed. Therefore, any AI would do the same. To that I say, stop worrying about AI and get a shrink and start worrying about your view of humanity.
There are so many unexamined assumptions in this argument. Why do you assume that a super intelligent AI would find humanity wanting? You admit it would be different than us. So, why would it find us inferior? We will have qualities it doesn’t have. There is nothing to say it wouldn’t find itself wanting. Moreover, even if it did, why is it assumed that it would then decide humanity must be destroyed? Where does that logic come from? That makes no sense. I suppose it is possible but I see no reason to think that is certain or some sort of necessary conclusion. I find dogs wanting but I don’t desire to murder them all. The whole argument assumes that any super intelligent being of any sort would look at humanity and necessarily and immediately decide it must be destroyed.
That is just people projecting their own issues and desires onto AI. They find humanity wanting for whatever reason and if they were in a position above it and where they could destroy it they would conclude it must be destroyed. Therefore, any AI would do the same. To that I say, stop worrying about AI and get a shrink and start worrying about your view of humanity.