defined as one where we both alter our facebook statuses to ‘in a relationship’.
What about a relationship where one of the parties doesn’t have a facebook account (or some other circumstance where there is a definite/mutually-acknowledged/etc relationship, but no facebook status change)?
I honestly had not considered the possibility or entering a relationship with someone who isn’t on facebook its essentially universal in my social group.
Facebook is a useful way of quantifying public acknowledgement, I suppose a similar requirement would be ‘introduces the other as my boyfriend/girlfriend,’ but that can depend on audience in a way facebook does not.
The motivation for defining ‘official’ relationships was to separate it from other relationships I’ve had which were more casual (I’ve known people who would define ’sleeping with same person 2+ times a relationship, which doesn’t fit my purposes).
For the purposes of this prediction I will qualify it to “one where we both alter our facebook statuses to ‘in a relationship’ Or if the other party does not use facebook, I change mine.”
What about a relationship where one of the parties doesn’t have a facebook account (or some other circumstance where there is a definite/mutually-acknowledged/etc relationship, but no facebook status change)?
I honestly had not considered the possibility or entering a relationship with someone who isn’t on facebook its essentially universal in my social group.
Facebook is a useful way of quantifying public acknowledgement, I suppose a similar requirement would be ‘introduces the other as my boyfriend/girlfriend,’ but that can depend on audience in a way facebook does not.
The motivation for defining ‘official’ relationships was to separate it from other relationships I’ve had which were more casual (I’ve known people who would define ’sleeping with same person 2+ times a relationship, which doesn’t fit my purposes).
For the purposes of this prediction I will qualify it to “one where we both alter our facebook statuses to ‘in a relationship’ Or if the other party does not use facebook, I change mine.”