Your original comment was simply incorrect; the only way to parse it “correctly” is to ignore the way the
English language actually does allow the construction I used.
Prostitutes are in interactions that are focused on giving their client pleasure instead of focused on the enjoyment of both parties in the least amount of time.
A : ((giving their client pleasure instead of focused on the enjoyment of both parties) in the least amount of time)
B : (giving their client pleasure (instead of focused on the enjoyment of both parties in the least amount of time))
are possible way to parse the sentence. You mistakenly read B. I do grant that original sentence is ugly and my edited version is easier to read. Writing ugly is a mistake, but it’s a stylistic one and not one of content.
Language is about communicating ideas. In this case it’s kind of obvious what I meant.
You either miss the obvious or you pretend I didn’t mean the obvious. Both are not actions that are good cooperation.
English language actually does allow the construction I used.
are possible way to parse the sentence. You mistakenly read B. I do grant that original sentence is ugly and my edited version is easier to read. Writing ugly is a mistake, but it’s a stylistic one and not one of content.
Language is about communicating ideas. In this case it’s kind of obvious what I meant. You either miss the obvious or you pretend I didn’t mean the obvious. Both are not actions that are good cooperation.