You might not want to reveal to your coworkers that you have decided to donate the option money. The whole point of giving away stock options is to incentivize people; that incentive is undermined if the employee gives away the upside.
Well, if you are giving away money you are suggesting you value marginal dollars going to your charity of choice just as much as you value marginal dollars going to you. So if your coworkers also believe you are a perfect consequentialist unconcerned with signaling then you are fine.
You might not want to reveal to your coworkers that you have decided to donate the option money. The whole point of giving away stock options is to incentivize people; that incentive is undermined if the employee gives away the upside.
Well, if you are giving away money you are suggesting you value marginal dollars going to your charity of choice just as much as you value marginal dollars going to you. So if your coworkers also believe you are a perfect consequentialist unconcerned with signaling then you are fine.