A measure affected by Goodhart’s law doesn’t lose all its value—schools measure password retention, but kids still end up educated, and so forth. “Accounts created” is a good enough measure to remain profitable giving away ~50 dollars. My comment was intended to get people to realise this isn’t a scam; this is intentionally placing yourself in the ‘acceptable losses for ING’ category.
Schools are different; they have little or no incentive to do well. Lots of people have horror stories of how comically bad their early education was, but how many of those schools went out of business later?
A measure affected by Goodhart’s law doesn’t lose all its value—schools measure password retention, but kids still end up educated, and so forth. “Accounts created” is a good enough measure to remain profitable giving away ~50 dollars. My comment was intended to get people to realise this isn’t a scam; this is intentionally placing yourself in the ‘acceptable losses for ING’ category.
Schools are different; they have little or no incentive to do well. Lots of people have horror stories of how comically bad their early education was, but how many of those schools went out of business later?