An additional concern is not being able to find women with compatible intellectual interests (I don’t mean having or not having specific interests but being interested and capable of thinking/talking about intellectual topics). Fortunately, there are dating sites. OkCupid seems to trend smart, but there are lots of others too. If you live near a good university, you can also attend evening special lectures and events of that sort that are heavily attended by graduate students. They often have a socializing aspect to them after the event.
I don’t live near a university (the local Christian college does not, IMHO, count). I’ve tried dating sites, but never had any luck with them. I tried a meeting of my local professional society, but I was one of three people under 50.
An additional concern is not being able to find women with compatible intellectual interests (I don’t mean having or not having specific interests but being interested and capable of thinking/talking about intellectual topics). Fortunately, there are dating sites. OkCupid seems to trend smart, but there are lots of others too. If you live near a good university, you can also attend evening special lectures and events of that sort that are heavily attended by graduate students. They often have a socializing aspect to them after the event.
I don’t live near a university (the local Christian college does not, IMHO, count). I’ve tried dating sites, but never had any luck with them. I tried a meeting of my local professional society, but I was one of three people under 50.