And so on, and so forth. “Get out of the house” is a totally useless piece of advice for the kind of person that needs it.
It’s really not that bad as far as advice goes. If you get out of the house you’ll get bored. Then, inevitably, you’ll find something to do. Usually it will involve either other people, exercise or something that expands your cultural experience. All good steps. In fact, ‘get out of the house’ is rather important advice even to those who have thoroughly absorbed all the relevant mating advice. Sometimes it is easier to learn how stuff works than actually do it.
I’ve entertained the idea of suggesting to Alicorn that she try applying her superior understanding of women to teach pickup to male students. I imagine her entering the classroom, glance at the audience composed of actual average guys and go ”...oh, you meant that kind of average? I had no idea such people even existed. Obviously, teaching them to approach women would be disgusting and a gross betrayal of my sex. I’m outta here.
It’s really not that bad as far as advice goes. If you get out of the house you’ll get bored. Then, inevitably, you’ll find something to do. Usually it will involve either other people, exercise or something that expands your cultural experience. All good steps. In fact, ‘get out of the house’ is rather important advice even to those who have thoroughly absorbed all the relevant mating advice. Sometimes it is easier to learn how stuff works than actually do it.
All too true.