That’s an interesting idea. However, the most likely outcome is that I’ll be distracted by other projects and never get round to this. Compiling that list already took way too much of my time.
I’m only one data point, but I am fairly similar to the hypothetical “someone” that Stingray described, and I do intend to actually read most of these. This should slightly shift your estimate toward fewer people being scared off by the wall of links.
On the other hand, if you went through and bolded the important articles, I’d probably read just them. So, I’d still be getting a little value out of your prioritization work, but much less value than any hypothetical people scared off by the wall of links.
EDIT: Rob Bensinger made a useful comment on the LW facebook page about what he’d take off and add to this list. I’ve taken the intersection of the two to make a more selective list of what you both recommend. I’ll probably just read through those, with the exception of a few interesting-sounding items.
That’s an interesting idea. However, the most likely outcome is that I’ll be distracted by other projects and never get round to this. Compiling that list already took way too much of my time.
I’m only one data point, but I am fairly similar to the hypothetical “someone” that Stingray described, and I do intend to actually read most of these. This should slightly shift your estimate toward fewer people being scared off by the wall of links.
On the other hand, if you went through and bolded the important articles, I’d probably read just them. So, I’d still be getting a little value out of your prioritization work, but much less value than any hypothetical people scared off by the wall of links.
EDIT: Rob Bensinger made a useful comment on the LW facebook page about what he’d take off and add to this list. I’ve taken the intersection of the two to make a more selective list of what you both recommend. I’ll probably just read through those, with the exception of a few interesting-sounding items.