I see three non-exclusive scenarios where Nvidia stops playing the important role in AI training and inference that it used to play in the past 10 years:
China invades or blockades Taiwan. Metaculus gives around 25% for an invasion in the next 5 years.
All major players switch to their own chips. Like Google has already done, Amazon is in the process of doing, Microsoft and Meta have started doing and even OpenAI seems to be planning.
Nvidias moats fail. CUDA is replicated for cheaper hardware, ASICs or stuff like Cerebras start dominating inference, etc.
All these become much more likely than the current baseline (whatever that is) in the case of AI scaling quickly and generating significant value.
The third scenario doesn’t actually require any replication of CUDA: if Amazon, Apple, AMD and other companies making ASICs commoditize inference but Nvidia retains its moat in training, with inference scaling and algorithmic efficiency improvements the training will inevitably become a much smaller portion of the market
Another point on your last sentence: in a near or post AGI world one might think that the value of the type of knowledge work (pure design as opposed to manufacturing) Nvidia does might start trending towards zero as it becomes easier for anyone with equal compute access to replicate. Not sure if it will be possible to maintain a moat on the basis of quality in software/hardware design in such a world.
I guess the entire “we need to build an AI internally” US narrative will also increase the likelyhood of Taiwan being invaded from China for data chips?
Good that we all have the situational awareness to not summon any bad memetics into the mindspace of people :D
My bear case for Nvidia goes like this:
I see three non-exclusive scenarios where Nvidia stops playing the important role in AI training and inference that it used to play in the past 10 years:
China invades or blockades Taiwan. Metaculus gives around 25% for an invasion in the next 5 years.
All major players switch to their own chips. Like Google has already done, Amazon is in the process of doing, Microsoft and Meta have started doing and even OpenAI seems to be planning.
Nvidias moats fail. CUDA is replicated for cheaper hardware, ASICs or stuff like Cerebras start dominating inference, etc.
All these become much more likely than the current baseline (whatever that is) in the case of AI scaling quickly and generating significant value.
The third scenario doesn’t actually require any replication of CUDA: if Amazon, Apple, AMD and other companies making ASICs commoditize inference but Nvidia retains its moat in training, with inference scaling and algorithmic efficiency improvements the training will inevitably become a much smaller portion of the market
Another point on your last sentence: in a near or post AGI world one might think that the value of the type of knowledge work (pure design as opposed to manufacturing) Nvidia does might start trending towards zero as it becomes easier for anyone with equal compute access to replicate. Not sure if it will be possible to maintain a moat on the basis of quality in software/hardware design in such a world.
I guess the entire “we need to build an AI internally” US narrative will also increase the likelyhood of Taiwan being invaded from China for data chips?
Good that we all have the situational awareness to not summon any bad memetics into the mindspace of people :D