Sure, that too. It’s a set of complementary points:
Sandwich eating skill is not important, and…
Sandwich eating skill trades off against important things, which means…
If you’ve optimized for it, you must have neglected important things, which means that…
Unusually high sandwich eating skill is a signal of sub-optimal important skills, which suggests that…
You should avoid having unusually high sandwich eating skill, lest you avoid sending an undesirable signal.
see also .
Sure, that too. It’s a set of complementary points:
Sandwich eating skill is not important, and…
Sandwich eating skill trades off against important things, which means…
If you’ve optimized for it, you must have neglected important things, which means that…
Unusually high sandwich eating skill is a signal of sub-optimal important skills, which suggests that…
You should avoid having unusually high sandwich eating skill, lest you avoid sending an undesirable signal.
see also .