most notably the quantum mechanics sequence. Which I am afraid fails terribly
as an attempted first course on QM, is blatantly wrong in some parts and
reflects that indeed Yudkowsky never had any proper physics education because
he fails to understand even basic notions properly.
I think he would like to have any mistakes pointed out. (Preferably math
mistakes rather than philosophical stuff that scientists don’t all agree on.)
LWer ciphergoth recently posted a Physics StackExchange
(and a corresponding LW
about errors in the quantum physics sequence.
Let the down-voting commence!
It’s better to omit passive-aggressive stuff like this.
Scott Aaronson (who is presumably qualified) doesn’t seem to have a very high opinion of Motl either.
I think he would like to have any mistakes pointed out. (Preferably math mistakes rather than philosophical stuff that scientists don’t all agree on.) LWer ciphergoth recently posted a Physics StackExchange question (and a corresponding LW post) about errors in the quantum physics sequence.
It’s better to omit passive-aggressive stuff like this.