Done, with apprehension. To be honest, the mildly altered state meditation stuff kind of weirds me out, which is hardly a predictor of its potential efficacy. To be more honest, my religious upbringing, to which I still often have a little allegiance (a discussion, and a long one, for many another time), suggests an argument about not looking too inwardly for answers to your innermost hurts. But the real or imagined force of that argument is not the source of my apprehension, so I best ignore it.
I may wish to find a local therapist that is paid for by my health insurance. How does one walk into a general practitioner’s office and ask for a therapist? What sort of therapy am I looking for?
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Done, with apprehension. To be honest, the mildly altered state meditation stuff kind of weirds me out, which is hardly a predictor of its potential efficacy. To be more honest, my religious upbringing, to which I still often have a little allegiance (a discussion, and a long one, for many another time), suggests an argument about not looking too inwardly for answers to your innermost hurts. But the real or imagined force of that argument is not the source of my apprehension, so I best ignore it.
I may wish to find a local therapist that is paid for by my health insurance. How does one walk into a general practitioner’s office and ask for a therapist? What sort of therapy am I looking for?