I don’t understand what precisely you intended to say. Are you questioning the relation of language to qualia (and possible differences in qualia between different people), or possible mistranslations between different persons’ idiolects, or something else? Sometimes, it is better to give one concrete example than a lot of abstract words. For instance, I have difficulties to imagine what situation this
Do you ever get the feeling that you tried to tell someone something, and they understood what you said, but they didn’t understand what you intended for them to—BUT—it still worked?
It brings to mind Feynman discussing how people count in their heads and how amazed he was at how different the internal processes could be for such a simple concept that gave the same results. Description here; I recall seeing a video of it on YouTube.
I don’t understand what precisely you intended to say. Are you questioning the relation of language to qualia (and possible differences in qualia between different people), or possible mistranslations between different persons’ idiolects, or something else? Sometimes, it is better to give one concrete example than a lot of abstract words. For instance, I have difficulties to imagine what situation this
may possibly describe.
It brings to mind Feynman discussing how people count in their heads and how amazed he was at how different the internal processes could be for such a simple concept that gave the same results. Description here; I recall seeing a video of it on YouTube.