Unwinding the thread backwards, I see that my comment strayed into irrelevance from the original point, so never mind.
I would like to ask you this, though: of all the people on Earth who feel as sure as you do about the truth or falsehood of various religions, what proportion do you think are actually right? If your confidence in your beliefs regarding religion is a larger number than this, then what additional evidence do you have that makes you think you’re special?
In other words, can I read fiction? Yes, but I don’t see where this is going.
Unwinding the thread backwards, I see that my comment strayed into irrelevance from the original point, so never mind.
I would like to ask you this, though: of all the people on Earth who feel as sure as you do about the truth or falsehood of various religions, what proportion do you think are actually right? If your confidence in your beliefs regarding religion is a larger number than this, then what additional evidence do you have that makes you think you’re special?