Upvoted; the issue of FAI itself is more interesting than whether Eliezer is making an ass of himself and thereby the SIAI message (probably a bit; claiming you’re smart isn’t really smart, but then he’s also doing a pretty good job as publicist).
One form of productive self-doubt is to have the LW community critically examine Eliezer’s central claims. Two of my attempted simplifications of those claims are posted here and here on related threads.
Those posts don’t really address whether strong AI feasible; I think most AI researchers agree that it will become so, but disagree on the timeline. I believe it’s crucial but rarely recognized that the timeline really depends on how many resources are devoted to it. Those appear to be steadily increasing, so it might not be that long.
Upvoted; the issue of FAI itself is more interesting than whether Eliezer is making an ass of himself and thereby the SIAI message (probably a bit; claiming you’re smart isn’t really smart, but then he’s also doing a pretty good job as publicist).
One form of productive self-doubt is to have the LW community critically examine Eliezer’s central claims. Two of my attempted simplifications of those claims are posted here and here on related threads.
Those posts don’t really address whether strong AI feasible; I think most AI researchers agree that it will become so, but disagree on the timeline. I believe it’s crucial but rarely recognized that the timeline really depends on how many resources are devoted to it. Those appear to be steadily increasing, so it might not be that long.