Research on short-term intelligence test result modifications by activity—by Kevin Warwick
Reading/Swatting −6
Listening to classical music −2
Watching a chat show on TV +5
Playing with a construction toy −4
Sitting/Chatting −2
Watching a documentary on TV +4
Walking +1
Meditating +2
Watching Friends on TV +1
Completing a crossword puzzle 0
Alcohol 0
Chocolate −2
Coffee +3
Orange Juice −2
Peanuts +1
Results – Breakfast
Toast + Orange Juice +3
Bacon Sandwich +3
Control 0
Cereal −1
Eggs (various) −5
A bigger and better table would be nice.
Experimental procedure? Sample size? Means of measuring IQ?
Top 2 results sections: “200 first year students at Reading University”.
Bottom results section: “50 children (aged 8-11) at Thameside School, Caversham were given regular breakfasts over a one month period.”
I found a power point from Kevin Warwick by googling for “Reading/Swatting −6” that included the data, but only lose references to the studies. I’ll email him and ask.
Also, Kevin presents his results here:
Is higher better or lower?
These are IQ deltas—so +ve values are good.
Research on short-term intelligence test result modifications by activity—by Kevin Warwick
Reading/Swatting −6
Listening to classical music −2
Watching a chat show on TV +5
Playing with a construction toy −4
Sitting/Chatting −2
Watching a documentary on TV +4
Walking +1
Meditating +2
Watching Friends on TV +1
Completing a crossword puzzle 0
Alcohol 0
Chocolate −2
Coffee +3
Orange Juice −2
Peanuts +1
Results – Breakfast
Toast + Orange Juice +3
Bacon Sandwich +3
Control 0
Cereal −1
Eggs (various) −5
A bigger and better table would be nice.
Experimental procedure? Sample size? Means of measuring IQ?
Top 2 results sections: “200 first year students at Reading University”.
Bottom results section: “50 children (aged 8-11) at Thameside School, Caversham were given regular breakfasts over a one month period.”
I found a power point from Kevin Warwick by googling for “Reading/Swatting −6” that included the data, but only lose references to the studies. I’ll email him and ask.
Also, Kevin presents his results here:
Is higher better or lower?
These are IQ deltas—so +ve values are good.