WHERE:Санкт-Петербург, м. Технологический Институт, ул.1-я Красноармейская, дом 15
We most likely will be trying out Pandemia and biased board gaming.
Also I expect some discussions to arrise around topics of congitive biases, utility, or other zeitgeist stuff.
If you are russian lesswronger who sees one of my ads for the first time, please check out our newsletter or vk group: newsletter or http://vk.com/lw_spb for more detailed descriptions.
If you are a foreign guest in Saint Petersburg—we also would all be glad to see you and to meet you—at lest some of our attendees speak english.
Meetup : Saint Petersburg sunday meetup
Discussion article for the meetup : Saint Petersburg sunday meetup
WHEN: 16 February 2014 04:00:00PM (+0400)
WHERE: Санкт-Петербург, м. Технологический Институт, ул.1-я Красноармейская, дом 15
We most likely will be trying out Pandemia and biased board gaming.
Also I expect some discussions to arrise around topics of congitive biases, utility, or other zeitgeist stuff.
If you are russian lesswronger who sees one of my ads for the first time, please check out our newsletter or vk group: newsletter or http://vk.com/lw_spb for more detailed descriptions.
If you are a foreign guest in Saint Petersburg—we also would all be glad to see you and to meet you—at lest some of our attendees speak english.
Discussion article for the meetup : Saint Petersburg sunday meetup