Well, its not very possible to help with real life aspect of it, without being from this town. The genetic solutions are easy to propose for that disabled kid, not so much for that smart kid.
Still, consider: 1 in ~1000 kids got IQ of ~150 or better *, so if there’s several thousands kids his age in that town there got to be someone about as smart, now how to go about meeting them, well local math competition can do, or the like. The question is—what does this kid actually do? What interests him?
which is about the point where IQ tests begin to lose meaning.
Well, its not very possible to help with real life aspect of it, without being from this town. The genetic solutions are easy to propose for that disabled kid, not so much for that smart kid.
Still, consider: 1 in ~1000 kids got IQ of ~150 or better *, so if there’s several thousands kids his age in that town there got to be someone about as smart, now how to go about meeting them, well local math competition can do, or the like. The question is—what does this kid actually do? What interests him?
which is about the point where IQ tests begin to lose meaning.