My own observations about myself have been much more accidental, but I can add the following to your list:
Onions and mushrooms. Don’t eat any of that in quantity if you want to stay alert. Large quantities of either make me want to sleep.
Lactose. I realized belatedly that I’m apparently lactose intolerant, like most people (depending on origin) over the age of 4. To avoid crashing, make your breakfast cereal with lactose-free milk.
My own observations about myself have been much more accidental, but I can add the following to your list:
Onions and mushrooms. Don’t eat any of that in quantity if you want to stay alert. Large quantities of either make me want to sleep.
Lactose. I realized belatedly that I’m apparently lactose intolerant, like most people (depending on origin) over the age of 4. To avoid crashing, make your breakfast cereal with lactose-free milk.
I’m lactose intolerant as well. I refused to believe it most of my life. Ice cream was too delicious and cold cereal too convenient.