Specifically, bissonomy is the virtue of knowing (-nomy) how to attach yourself (“bissys” is the name for filaments by which certain bivalves attach themselves to rocks and other substrate) to some stable object.
The name. It basically tells you outright (and “bisso” is Portuguese for “bissys”, just in case).
She was turned into oysters—bivalves—which is a big hint.
She was punished for throwing a mole. What do moles do? They dig! They undermine and clearly, the virtue of stability couldn’t be seen undermining anything.
Two children is another hint at stability as families with two children neither increase nor decrease the population—they keep it stable.
She was forgotten—for the only thing constant in the world is change.
Bissonomy is the virtue of stability.
Specifically, bissonomy is the virtue of knowing (-nomy) how to attach yourself (“bissys” is the name for filaments by which certain bivalves attach themselves to rocks and other substrate) to some stable object.
The name. It basically tells you outright (and “bisso” is Portuguese for “bissys”, just in case).
She was turned into oysters—bivalves—which is a big hint.
She was punished for throwing a mole. What do moles do? They dig! They undermine and clearly, the virtue of stability couldn’t be seen undermining anything.
Two children is another hint at stability as families with two children neither increase nor decrease the population—they keep it stable.
She was forgotten—for the only thing constant in the world is change.