My university network has password requirements strict enough that when I had to make a new one, I generated a random 8-digit string and it disallowed it because it looked too much like a real word or phrase (I have no idea what), and I had to pick a string it generated for me that was “random enough”. The NSA probably doesn’t have much looser standards for its employees’ passwords than my university has for its students’, so I expect your advanced psychology skills approaching the level of mindreading would just tell you who’s annoyed they weren’t allowed to use “password”, and who’s got an even longer string of random digits than usual.
My university network has password requirements strict enough that when I had to make a new one, I generated a random 8-digit string and it disallowed it because it looked too much like a real word or phrase (I have no idea what), and I had to pick a string it generated for me that was “random enough”. The NSA probably doesn’t have much looser standards for its employees’ passwords than my university has for its students’, so I expect your advanced psychology skills approaching the level of mindreading would just tell you who’s annoyed they weren’t allowed to use “password”, and who’s got an even longer string of random digits than usual.