Your sentence seems to imply that you read in the article the exact opposites, that studies were made but didn’t find any link.
I said “no results (aka no evidence)” which implies no data pointing one way or another. If I had said “negative results” that would have implied that there is evidence disproving the hypothesis.
there might be if it was investigated. So a role of microbiota is possible and at least not fantastically improbable.
LOL. There is a HUGE space of hypotheses for which there is no evidence but which are “not fantastically improbable”. Oh, and there’s a fellow with a razor here, he wants to talk to you… :-)
I said “no results (aka no evidence)” which implies no data pointing one way or another. If I had said “negative results” that would have implied that there is evidence disproving the hypothesis.
LOL. There is a HUGE space of hypotheses for which there is no evidence but which are “not fantastically improbable”. Oh, and there’s a fellow with a razor here, he wants to talk to you… :-)