I don’t see how you can “found” a religion and know that it will stick around after your death, or in Rothblatt’s case, after you go into cryo. Cults have to develop and thrive organically several generations after their respective founders’ lives before they deserve description as new religions. This happened to Joseph Smith’s Mormonism, for example, though I doubt anyone at the time could have predicted that the cult would remain sustainable after Smith’s lynching in 1844.
Uh. . .
Martine Rothblatt: She founded SiriusXM, a religion and a biotech. For starters.
I don’t see how you can “found” a religion and know that it will stick around after your death, or in Rothblatt’s case, after you go into cryo. Cults have to develop and thrive organically several generations after their respective founders’ lives before they deserve description as new religions. This happened to Joseph Smith’s Mormonism, for example, though I doubt anyone at the time could have predicted that the cult would remain sustainable after Smith’s lynching in 1844.