While I don’t have the stats, I think that 50,000 years ago if you lived to 30, you had a reasonable chance of living to 70, and cancer and heart disease kill lots of people under 70.
“Longevity Among Hunter-Gatherers: A Cross-Cultural Examination”, Gurven & Kaplan 2007; might be helpful.
Good article. Quotes:
We hypothesize that human bodies are designed to function well for about seven decades in the environment in which our species evolved. Among traditional hunter-gatherers… life expectancy at age 45 varies from 14 to 24 years...
We hypothesize that human bodies are designed to function well for about seven decades in the environment in which our species evolved.
Among traditional hunter-gatherers… life expectancy at age 45 varies from 14 to 24 years...
While I don’t have the stats, I think that 50,000 years ago if you lived to 30, you had a reasonable chance of living to 70, and cancer and heart disease kill lots of people under 70.
“Longevity Among Hunter-Gatherers: A Cross-Cultural Examination”, Gurven & Kaplan 2007; might be helpful.
Good article. Quotes: