I strongly disagree with the True Islam post. Definitions are neither true nor false, but useful or not useful. It’s extremely useful for Western leaders to define Islam so that ISIS is not part of it.
Whether it is “useful” depends on what purpose you are trying to determine it is useful for. It’s obviously useful for certain kinds of Western political rhetoric., but it may be useful for one purpose and harmful for another.
From Omnilibrium:
What is the True Islam?
Are finanicial sector profits primarily reflective of real value created?
Is faster economic growth good for improving long-run outcomes for humanity?
The firing of Tim Hunt—right or wrong?
Political Evolution and the Future of Democracy
What is Omnilibrium? What are these links about? If this comment is a reply to something or making a point, what?
LessWrong offshoot for political discussion.
I strongly disagree with the True Islam post. Definitions are neither true nor false, but useful or not useful. It’s extremely useful for Western leaders to define Islam so that ISIS is not part of it.
Whether it is “useful” depends on what purpose you are trying to determine it is useful for. It’s obviously useful for certain kinds of Western political rhetoric., but it may be useful for one purpose and harmful for another.