A question on DAG interpretation

(Sorry, I did not find an easy way to post this as a comment in Open Thread or a private message, so putting it here. When there are some definite responses I promise to delete it.)

I tried to make a DAG to represent a process of recognizing a season of the year from an old, damaged photo of a plant. The object was to see how ‘Colour of the plant’ becomes d-separated from ‘Season of the year’ and what variables screen ‘colour’ off.

Here’s my attempt (first one ever, so there might be mistakes):

X is season, Y is colour on the photo, and Z is whatever can be used for analysis. U1 is error introduced when the photo was taken, and the two-sided arrow between it and ‘Species’ means that some plants can be grown indoors as well as outdoors and even though they are capable of photosynthesis they don’t tell us useful things about what season it is.

Could you help me?