Sure. Also, current employees are dis-incented from being truthful about the bad parts. But you’re not applying statistics to the results, so that’s not terribly important. Such interviews provide limited evidence about goodness of the company. They provide decent evidence about the potential coworkers you’re interviewing.
Generally, when you’re interviewing employees about a company about whether the company is any good, you’re trying to decide whether to work there yourself. And you’re evaluating whether any of them seem competent and interesting enough that you can tolerate being near them for any length of time.
Sure. Also, current employees are dis-incented from being truthful about the bad parts. But you’re not applying statistics to the results, so that’s not terribly important. Such interviews provide limited evidence about goodness of the company. They provide decent evidence about the potential coworkers you’re interviewing.
Generally, when you’re interviewing employees about a company about whether the company is any good, you’re trying to decide whether to work there yourself. And you’re evaluating whether any of them seem competent and interesting enough that you can tolerate being near them for any length of time.