Yes, they do. People also amuse themselves from beyond the grave by arranging for their deaths to look like murders before killing themselves. Or are so overcome by remorse at fabricating lies about their beloved friends to the feds that they encase their feet in concrete and throw themselves into nearby lakes without thinking about how it’d look. Or forget their secret passwords to authenticate their suicide notes and decide it’s too much trouble to retrieve it.
So sure, I agree there are reasons why a death that strongly looks like murder might still be suicide. But that doesn’t address my position that if you can broadcast the message that you have no intention to kill yourself in the clear with perfect authentication, and still not be sufficiently convincing that your imminent death isn’t suicide, elaborate schemes with passwords or cryptographic hashes don’t do anything.
How is this better than stating explicitly that you’re not going to commit suicide?
People change their minds a lot.
Yes, they do. People also amuse themselves from beyond the grave by arranging for their deaths to look like murders before killing themselves. Or are so overcome by remorse at fabricating lies about their beloved friends to the feds that they encase their feet in concrete and throw themselves into nearby lakes without thinking about how it’d look. Or forget their secret passwords to authenticate their suicide notes and decide it’s too much trouble to retrieve it.
So sure, I agree there are reasons why a death that strongly looks like murder might still be suicide. But that doesn’t address my position that if you can broadcast the message that you have no intention to kill yourself in the clear with perfect authentication, and still not be sufficiently convincing that your imminent death isn’t suicide, elaborate schemes with passwords or cryptographic hashes don’t do anything.
Really they do those things? The concrete?
I think it’s on a spectrum of likelihood and therefore believability.
I wasn’t commenting on your message, just what you’d said in that comment. Sure it’s better to say it than not. And better yet to do more.