Miscellaneous comments and questions, some of which I made on earlier versions of this post. Many of these are bibliographic, relating the post in more detail to prior work, or alternative approaches.
In my view, the proposal is basically to use a futarchy / conditional prediction market design like that the one proposed by Hanson, with I think two important details: - The markets aren’t subsidized. This ensures that the game is zero-sum for the predictors—they don’t prefer one action to be taken over another. In the scoring rules setting, subsidizing would mean scoring relative to some initial prediction $p_0$ provided by the market. Because the initial prediction might differ in how bad it is for different actions, the predictors might prefer a particular action to be taken. Conversely, the predictors might have no incentive to correct an overly optimistic prediction for one of the actions if doing so causes that action not to be taken. The examples in Section 3.2 of the Othman and Sandholm paper show these things. - The second is “optimism bias” (a good thing in this context): “If the predictors disagree about the probabilities conditional on any action, the decision maker acts as though they believe the more optimistic one.” (This is as opposed to taking the market average, which I assume is what Hanson had in mind with his futarchy proposal.) If you don’t have optimism bias, then you get failure modes like the ones pointed out in Obstacle 1 of Scott Garrabrant’s post “Two Major Obstacles for Logical Inductor Decision Theory”: One predictor/trader could claim that the optimal action will lead to disaster and thus cause the optimal action to never be taken and her prediction to never be tested. This optimism bias is reminiscent of some other ideas. For example some ideas for solving the 5-and-10 problem are based on first searching for proofs of high utility. Decision auctions also work based on this optimism. (Decision auctions work like this: Auction off the right to make the decision on my behalf to the highest bidder. The highest bidder has to pay their bid (or maybe the second-highest bid) and gets paid in proportion to the utility I obtain.) Maybe getting too far afield here, but the UCB term in bandit algorithms also works this way in some sense: if you’re still quite unsure how good an action is, pretend that it is very good (as good as some upper bound of some confidence interval).
My work on decision scoring rules describes the best you can get out of a single predictor. Basically you can incentivize a single predictor to tell you what the best action is and what the expected utility of that action is, but nothing more (aside from some degenerate cases).
Your result shows that if you have two predictors with the same information, then you can get slightly more: you can incentivize them to tell you what the best action is and what the full distribution over outcomes will be if you take the action.
You also get some other stuff (as you describe starting from the sentence, “Additionally, there is a bound on how inaccurate...”). But these other things seem much less important. (You also say: “while it does not guarantee that the predictions conditional on the actions not taken will be accurate, crucially there is no incentive to lie about them.” But the same is true of decision scoring rules for example.)
Here’s one thing that is a bit unclear to me, though.
If you have two predictors that have the same information, there’s other, more obvious stuff you can do. For example, here’s one: - Ask Predictor 1 for a recommendation for what to do. - Ask Predictor 2 for a prediction over outcomes conditional on Predictor 1′s recommendation. - Take the action recommended by Predictor 1. - Observe an outcome o with a utility u(o). - Pay Predictor 1 in proportion to u(o). - Pay Predictor 2 according to a proper scoring rule.
In essence, this is just splitting the task into two: There’s the issue of making the best possible choice and there’s the issue of predicting what will happen. We assign Predictor 1 to the first and Predictor 2 to the second problem. For each of these problems separately, we know what to do (use proper (decision) scoring rules). So we can solve the overall problem.
So this mechanism also gets you an honest prediction and an honest recommendation for what to do. In fact, one advantage of this approach is that honesty is maintained even if the Predictors 1 and 2 have _different_ information/beliefs! (You don’t get any information aggregation with this (though see below). But your approach doesn’t have any information aggregation either.)
As per the decision scoring rules paper, you could additionally ask Predictor 1 for an estimate of the expected utility you will obtain. You can also let the Predictor 2 look at Predictor 1′s prediction (or perhaps even score Predictor 2 relative to Predictor 1′s prediction). (This way you’d get some information aggregation.) (You can also let Predictor 1 look at Predictor 2′s predictions if Predictor 2 starts out by making conditional predictions before Predictor 1 gives a recommendation. This gets more tricky because now Predictor 2 will want to mislead Predictor 1.)
I think your proposal for what to do instead of the above is very interesting and I’m glad that we now know that this method exists that that it works. It seems fundamentally different and it seems plausible that this insight will be very useful. But is there some concrete advantage of zero-sum conditional prediction over the above method?
Thanks Caspar, your comments here and on earlier drafts are appreciated. We’ll expand more on the positioning within the related literature as we develop this into a paper.
As for your work on Decision Scoring Rules and the proposal in your comment, the biggest distinction is that this post’s proposal does not require specifying the decision maker’s utility function in order to reward one of the predictors and shape their behavior into maximizing it. That seems very useful to me, as if we were able to properly specify the desired utility function, we could skip using predictive models and just train an AI to maximize that instead (modulo inner alignment).
>the biggest distinction is that this post’s proposal does not require specifying the decision maker’s utility function in order to reward one of the predictors and shape their behavior into maximizing it.
Hmm… Johannes made a similar argument in personal conversation yesterday. I’m not sure how convinced I am by this argument.
So first, here’s one variant of the proper decision scoring rules setup where we also don’t need to specify the decision maker’s utility function: Ask the predictor for her full conditional probability distribution for each action. Then take the action that is best according to your utility function and the predictor’s conditional probability distribution. Then score the predictor according to a strictly proper decision scoring rule. (If you think of strictly proper decision scoring rules as taking only a predicted expected utility as input, you have to first calculate the expected utility of the reported distribution, and then score that expected utility against the utility you actually obtained.) (Note that if the expert has no idea what your utility function is, they are now strictly incentivized to report fully honestly about all actions! The same is true in your setup as well, I think, but in what I describe here a single predictor suffices.) In this setup you also don’t need to specify your utility function.
One important difference, I suppose, is that in all the existing methods (like proper decision scoring rules) the decision maker needs to at some point assess her utility in a single outcome—the one obtained after choosing the recommended action—and reward the expert in proportion to that. In your approach one never needs to do this. However, in your approach one instead needs to look at a bunch of probability distributions and assess which one of these is best. Isn’t this much harder? (If you’re doing expected utility maximization—doesn’t your approach entail assigning probabilities to all hypothetical outcomes?) In realistic settings, these outcome distributions are huge objects!
I think, from an alignment perspective, having a human choose their action while being aware of the distribution over outcomes it induces is much safer than having it effectively chosen for them by their specification of a utility function. This is especially true because probability distributions are large objects. A human choosing between them isn’t pushing in any particular direction that can make it likely to overlook negative outcomes, while choosing based on the utility function they specify leads to exactly that. This is all modulo ELK, of course.
I’m not sure I understand the variant you proposed. How is that different than the Othman and Sandholm MAX rule?
>I’m not sure I understand the variant you proposed. How is that different than the Othman and Sandholm MAX rule?
Sorry if I was cryptic! Yes, it’s basically the same as using the MAX decision rule and (importantly) a quasi-strictly proper scoring rule (in their terminology, which is basically the same up to notation as a strictly proper decision scoring rule in the terminology of the decision scoring rules paper). (We changed the terminology for our paper because “quasi-strictly proper scoring rule w.r.t. the max decision rule” is a mouthful. :-P) Does that help?
>much safer than having it effectively chosen for them by their specification of a utility function
So, as I tried to explain before, one convenient thing about using proper decision scoring rules is that you do not need to specify your utility function. You just need to give rewards ex post. So one advantage of using proper decision scoring rules is that you need less of your utility function not more! But on to the main point...
>I think, from an alignment perspective, having a human choose their action while being aware of the distribution over outcomes it induces is much safer than having it effectively chosen for them by their specification of a utility function. This is especially true because probability distributions are large objects. A human choosing between them isn’t pushing in any particular direction that can make it likely to overlook negative outcomes, while choosing based on the utility function they specify leads to exactly that. This is all modulo ELK, of course.
Let’s grant for now that from an alignment perspective the property you describe is desirable. My counterargument is that proper decision scoring rules (or the max decision rule with a scoring rule that is quasi-strictly proper w.r.t. the max scoring rule) and zero-sum conditional prediction both have this property. Therefore, having the property cannot yield an argument to favor one over the other.
Maybe put differently: I still don’t know what property it is that you think favors zero-sum conditional prediction over proper decision scoring rules. I don’t think it can be not wanting to specify your utility function / not wanting the agent to pick agents based on their model of your utility function / wanting to instead choose yourself based on reported distributions, because both methods can be used in this way. Also, note that in both methods the predictors in practice have incentives that are determined by (their beliefs about) the human’s values. For example, in zero-sum conditional prediction, each predictor is incentivized to run computations to evaluate actions that it thinks could potentially be optimal w.r.t. human values, and not incentivized to think about actions that it confidently thinks are suboptimal. So for example, if I have the choice between eating chocolate ice cream, eating strawberry ice cream and eating mud, then the predictor will reason that I won’t choose to eat mud and that therefore its prediction about mud won’t be evaluated. Therefore, it will probably not think much about how what it will be like if I eat mud (though it has to think about it a little to make sure that the other predictor can’t gain by recommending mud eating).
On whether the property is desirable [ETA: I here mean the property: [human chooses based on reported distribution] but not compared to [explicitly specifying a utility function]]: Perhaps my objection is just what you mean by ELK. In any case, I think my views depend a bit on how we imagine lots of different aspect of the overall alignment scheme. One important question, I think, is how exactly we imagine the human to “look at” the distributions for example. But my worry is that (similar to RLHF) letting the human evaluate distributions rather than outcomes increases the predictors’ incentives to deceive the human. The incentive is to find actions whose distribution looks good (in whatever format you represent the distribution) in relation to the other distributions, not which distributions are good. Given that the distributions are so large (and less importantly because humans have lots of systematic, exploitable irrationalities related to risk), I would think that human judgment of single outcomes/point distributions is much better than human judgment of full distributions.
The following is based on an in-person discussion with Johannes Treutlein (the second author of the OP).
>But is there some concrete advantage of zero-sum conditional prediction over the above method?
So, here’s a very concrete and clear (though perhaps not very important) advantage of the proposed method over the method I proposed. The method I proposed only works if you want to maximize expected utility relative to the predictor’s beliefs. The zero-sum competition model enables optimal choice under a much broader set of possible preferences over outcome distributions.
Let’s say that you have some arbitrary (potentially wacky discontinuous) function V that maps a distributions over outcomes onto a real value representing how much you like the distribution over outcomes. Then you can do zero-sum competition as normal and select the action for which V is highest (as usual with “optimism bias”, i.e., if the two predictors make different predictions for an action a, then take the maximum of the Vs of the two actions). This should still be incentive compatible and result in taking the action that is best in terms of V applied to the predictors’ belief.
(Of course, one could have even crazier preferences. For example, one’s preferences could just be a function that takes as input a set of distributions and selects one distribution as its favorite. But I think if this preference function is intransitive, doesn’t satisfy independence of irrelevant alternatives and the like, it’s not so clear whether the proposed approach still works. For example, you might be able to slightly misreport some option that will not be taken anyway in such a way as to ensure that the decision maker ends up taking a different action. I don’t think this is ever strictly incentivized. But it’s not strictly disincentivized to do this.)
Interestingly, if V is a strictly convex function over outcome distributions (why would it be? I don’t know!), then you can strictly incentivize a single predictor to report the best action and honestly report the full distribution over outcomes for that action! Simply use the scoring rule S(pa,qa)=V(pa)+v(pa)T(qa−pa), where pa is the reported distribution for the recommended action, qa is the true distribution of the recommended action and v is a subderivative of V. Because a proper scoring rule is used, the expert will be incentivized to report pa=qa and thus gets a score of V(qa), where qa is the distribution of the recommended action. So it will recommend the action a whose associate distribution maximizes V. It’s easy to show that if V -- the function saying how much you like different distribution—is not strictly convex, then you can’t construct such a scoring rule. If I recall correctly, these facts are also pointed out in one of the papers by Chen et al. on this topic.
I don’t find this very important, because I find expected utility maximization w.r.t. the predictors’ beliefs much more plausible than anything else. But if nothing else, this difference further shows that the proposed method is fundamentally different and more capable in some ways than other methods (like the one I proposed in my comment).
The second is “optimism bias” (a good thing in this context): “If the predictors disagree about the probabilities conditional on any action, the decision maker acts as though they believe the more optimistic one.” (This is as opposed to taking the market average, which I assume is what Hanson had in mind with his futarchy proposal.) If you don’t have optimism bias, then you get failure modes like the ones pointed out in Obstacle 1 of Scott Garrabrant’s post “Two Major Obstacles for Logical Inductor Decision Theory”: One predictor/trader could claim that the optimal action will lead to disaster and thus cause the optimal action to never be taken and her prediction to never be tested. This optimism bias is reminiscent of some other ideas. For example some ideas for solving the 5-and-10 problem are based on first searching for proofs of high utility. Decision auctions also work based on this optimism. (Decision auctions work like this: Auction off the right to make the decision on my behalf to the highest bidder. The highest bidder has to pay their bid (or maybe the second-highest bid) and gets paid in proportion to the utility I obtain.) Maybe getting too far afield here, but the UCB term in bandit algorithms also works this way in some sense: if you’re still quite unsure how good an action is, pretend that it is very good (as good as some upper bound of some confidence interval).
I want to mention this, as I think this is one of the reasons why I get queasy epistemically speaking around future doom claims, and why the people who disagree with some AI doomers are actually more rational than the doomers think. In particular, it’s why people claiming we should stop progress on AI isn’t actually a good thing, because optimism bias serves a very useful epistemic purpose.
In particular, it avoids us moving the goalposts on doom , because the problem with doom theories is that you can always the goalposts to the next thing, or the next year, and this is extremely bad when you consider that we have confirmation biases.
Nice post!
Miscellaneous comments and questions, some of which I made on earlier versions of this post. Many of these are bibliographic, relating the post in more detail to prior work, or alternative approaches.
In my view, the proposal is basically to use a futarchy / conditional prediction market design like that the one proposed by Hanson, with I think two important details:
- The markets aren’t subsidized. This ensures that the game is zero-sum for the predictors—they don’t prefer one action to be taken over another. In the scoring rules setting, subsidizing would mean scoring relative to some initial prediction $p_0$ provided by the market. Because the initial prediction might differ in how bad it is for different actions, the predictors might prefer a particular action to be taken. Conversely, the predictors might have no incentive to correct an overly optimistic prediction for one of the actions if doing so causes that action not to be taken. The examples in Section 3.2 of the Othman and Sandholm paper show these things.
- The second is “optimism bias” (a good thing in this context): “If the predictors disagree about the probabilities conditional on any action, the decision maker acts as though they believe the more optimistic one.” (This is as opposed to taking the market average, which I assume is what Hanson had in mind with his futarchy proposal.) If you don’t have optimism bias, then you get failure modes like the ones pointed out in Obstacle 1 of Scott Garrabrant’s post “Two Major Obstacles for Logical Inductor Decision Theory”: One predictor/trader could claim that the optimal action will lead to disaster and thus cause the optimal action to never be taken and her prediction to never be tested. This optimism bias is reminiscent of some other ideas. For example some ideas for solving the 5-and-10 problem are based on first searching for proofs of high utility. Decision auctions also work based on this optimism. (Decision auctions work like this: Auction off the right to make the decision on my behalf to the highest bidder. The highest bidder has to pay their bid (or maybe the second-highest bid) and gets paid in proportion to the utility I obtain.) Maybe getting too far afield here, but the UCB term in bandit algorithms also works this way in some sense: if you’re still quite unsure how good an action is, pretend that it is very good (as good as some upper bound of some confidence interval).
My work on decision scoring rules describes the best you can get out of a single predictor. Basically you can incentivize a single predictor to tell you what the best action is and what the expected utility of that action is, but nothing more (aside from some degenerate cases).
Your result shows that if you have two predictors with the same information, then you can get slightly more: you can incentivize them to tell you what the best action is and what the full distribution over outcomes will be if you take the action.
You also get some other stuff (as you describe starting from the sentence, “Additionally, there is a bound on how inaccurate...”). But these other things seem much less important. (You also say: “while it does not guarantee that the predictions conditional on the actions not taken will be accurate, crucially there is no incentive to lie about them.” But the same is true of decision scoring rules for example.)
Here’s one thing that is a bit unclear to me, though.
If you have two predictors that have the same information, there’s other, more obvious stuff you can do. For example, here’s one:
- Ask Predictor 1 for a recommendation for what to do.
- Ask Predictor 2 for a prediction over outcomes conditional on Predictor 1′s recommendation.
- Take the action recommended by Predictor 1.
- Observe an outcome o with a utility u(o).
- Pay Predictor 1 in proportion to u(o).
- Pay Predictor 2 according to a proper scoring rule.
In essence, this is just splitting the task into two: There’s the issue of making the best possible choice and there’s the issue of predicting what will happen. We assign Predictor 1 to the first and Predictor 2 to the second problem. For each of these problems separately, we know what to do (use proper (decision) scoring rules). So we can solve the overall problem.
So this mechanism also gets you an honest prediction and an honest recommendation for what to do. In fact, one advantage of this approach is that honesty is maintained even if the Predictors 1 and 2 have _different_ information/beliefs! (You don’t get any information aggregation with this (though see below). But your approach doesn’t have any information aggregation either.)
As per the decision scoring rules paper, you could additionally ask Predictor 1 for an estimate of the expected utility you will obtain. You can also let the Predictor 2 look at Predictor 1′s prediction (or perhaps even score Predictor 2 relative to Predictor 1′s prediction). (This way you’d get some information aggregation.) (You can also let Predictor 1 look at Predictor 2′s predictions if Predictor 2 starts out by making conditional predictions before Predictor 1 gives a recommendation. This gets more tricky because now Predictor 2 will want to mislead Predictor 1.)
I think your proposal for what to do instead of the above is very interesting and I’m glad that we now know that this method exists that that it works. It seems fundamentally different and it seems plausible that this insight will be very useful. But is there some concrete advantage of zero-sum conditional prediction over the above method?
Thanks Caspar, your comments here and on earlier drafts are appreciated. We’ll expand more on the positioning within the related literature as we develop this into a paper.
As for your work on Decision Scoring Rules and the proposal in your comment, the biggest distinction is that this post’s proposal does not require specifying the decision maker’s utility function in order to reward one of the predictors and shape their behavior into maximizing it. That seems very useful to me, as if we were able to properly specify the desired utility function, we could skip using predictive models and just train an AI to maximize that instead (modulo inner alignment).
>the biggest distinction is that this post’s proposal does not require specifying the decision maker’s utility function in order to reward one of the predictors and shape their behavior into maximizing it.
Hmm… Johannes made a similar argument in personal conversation yesterday. I’m not sure how convinced I am by this argument.
So first, here’s one variant of the proper decision scoring rules setup where we also don’t need to specify the decision maker’s utility function: Ask the predictor for her full conditional probability distribution for each action. Then take the action that is best according to your utility function and the predictor’s conditional probability distribution. Then score the predictor according to a strictly proper decision scoring rule. (If you think of strictly proper decision scoring rules as taking only a predicted expected utility as input, you have to first calculate the expected utility of the reported distribution, and then score that expected utility against the utility you actually obtained.) (Note that if the expert has no idea what your utility function is, they are now strictly incentivized to report fully honestly about all actions! The same is true in your setup as well, I think, but in what I describe here a single predictor suffices.) In this setup you also don’t need to specify your utility function.
One important difference, I suppose, is that in all the existing methods (like proper decision scoring rules) the decision maker needs to at some point assess her utility in a single outcome—the one obtained after choosing the recommended action—and reward the expert in proportion to that. In your approach one never needs to do this. However, in your approach one instead needs to look at a bunch of probability distributions and assess which one of these is best. Isn’t this much harder? (If you’re doing expected utility maximization—doesn’t your approach entail assigning probabilities to all hypothetical outcomes?) In realistic settings, these outcome distributions are huge objects!
I think, from an alignment perspective, having a human choose their action while being aware of the distribution over outcomes it induces is much safer than having it effectively chosen for them by their specification of a utility function. This is especially true because probability distributions are large objects. A human choosing between them isn’t pushing in any particular direction that can make it likely to overlook negative outcomes, while choosing based on the utility function they specify leads to exactly that. This is all modulo ELK, of course.
I’m not sure I understand the variant you proposed. How is that different than the Othman and Sandholm MAX rule?
>I’m not sure I understand the variant you proposed. How is that different than the Othman and Sandholm MAX rule?
Sorry if I was cryptic! Yes, it’s basically the same as using the MAX decision rule and (importantly) a quasi-strictly proper scoring rule (in their terminology, which is basically the same up to notation as a strictly proper decision scoring rule in the terminology of the decision scoring rules paper). (We changed the terminology for our paper because “quasi-strictly proper scoring rule w.r.t. the max decision rule” is a mouthful. :-P) Does that help?
>much safer than having it effectively chosen for them by their specification of a utility function
So, as I tried to explain before, one convenient thing about using proper decision scoring rules is that you do not need to specify your utility function. You just need to give rewards ex post. So one advantage of using proper decision scoring rules is that you need less of your utility function not more! But on to the main point...
>I think, from an alignment perspective, having a human choose their action while being aware of the distribution over outcomes it induces is much safer than having it effectively chosen for them by their specification of a utility function. This is especially true because probability distributions are large objects. A human choosing between them isn’t pushing in any particular direction that can make it likely to overlook negative outcomes, while choosing based on the utility function they specify leads to exactly that. This is all modulo ELK, of course.
Let’s grant for now that from an alignment perspective the property you describe is desirable. My counterargument is that proper decision scoring rules (or the max decision rule with a scoring rule that is quasi-strictly proper w.r.t. the max scoring rule) and zero-sum conditional prediction both have this property. Therefore, having the property cannot yield an argument to favor one over the other.
Maybe put differently: I still don’t know what property it is that you think favors zero-sum conditional prediction over proper decision scoring rules. I don’t think it can be not wanting to specify your utility function / not wanting the agent to pick agents based on their model of your utility function / wanting to instead choose yourself based on reported distributions, because both methods can be used in this way. Also, note that in both methods the predictors in practice have incentives that are determined by (their beliefs about) the human’s values. For example, in zero-sum conditional prediction, each predictor is incentivized to run computations to evaluate actions that it thinks could potentially be optimal w.r.t. human values, and not incentivized to think about actions that it confidently thinks are suboptimal. So for example, if I have the choice between eating chocolate ice cream, eating strawberry ice cream and eating mud, then the predictor will reason that I won’t choose to eat mud and that therefore its prediction about mud won’t be evaluated. Therefore, it will probably not think much about how what it will be like if I eat mud (though it has to think about it a little to make sure that the other predictor can’t gain by recommending mud eating).
On whether the property is desirable [ETA: I here mean the property: [human chooses based on reported distribution] but not compared to [explicitly specifying a utility function]]: Perhaps my objection is just what you mean by ELK. In any case, I think my views depend a bit on how we imagine lots of different aspect of the overall alignment scheme. One important question, I think, is how exactly we imagine the human to “look at” the distributions for example. But my worry is that (similar to RLHF) letting the human evaluate distributions rather than outcomes increases the predictors’ incentives to deceive the human. The incentive is to find actions whose distribution looks good (in whatever format you represent the distribution) in relation to the other distributions, not which distributions are good. Given that the distributions are so large (and less importantly because humans have lots of systematic, exploitable irrationalities related to risk), I would think that human judgment of single outcomes/point distributions is much better than human judgment of full distributions.
The following is based on an in-person discussion with Johannes Treutlein (the second author of the OP).
>But is there some concrete advantage of zero-sum conditional prediction over the above method?
So, here’s a very concrete and clear (though perhaps not very important) advantage of the proposed method over the method I proposed. The method I proposed only works if you want to maximize expected utility relative to the predictor’s beliefs. The zero-sum competition model enables optimal choice under a much broader set of possible preferences over outcome distributions.
Let’s say that you have some arbitrary (potentially wacky discontinuous) function V that maps a distributions over outcomes onto a real value representing how much you like the distribution over outcomes. Then you can do zero-sum competition as normal and select the action for which V is highest (as usual with “optimism bias”, i.e., if the two predictors make different predictions for an action a, then take the maximum of the Vs of the two actions). This should still be incentive compatible and result in taking the action that is best in terms of V applied to the predictors’ belief.
(Of course, one could have even crazier preferences. For example, one’s preferences could just be a function that takes as input a set of distributions and selects one distribution as its favorite. But I think if this preference function is intransitive, doesn’t satisfy independence of irrelevant alternatives and the like, it’s not so clear whether the proposed approach still works. For example, you might be able to slightly misreport some option that will not be taken anyway in such a way as to ensure that the decision maker ends up taking a different action. I don’t think this is ever strictly incentivized. But it’s not strictly disincentivized to do this.)
Interestingly, if V is a strictly convex function over outcome distributions (why would it be? I don’t know!), then you can strictly incentivize a single predictor to report the best action and honestly report the full distribution over outcomes for that action! Simply use the scoring rule S(pa,qa)=V(pa)+v(pa)T(qa−pa), where pa is the reported distribution for the recommended action, qa is the true distribution of the recommended action and v is a subderivative of V. Because a proper scoring rule is used, the expert will be incentivized to report pa=qa and thus gets a score of V(qa), where qa is the distribution of the recommended action. So it will recommend the action a whose associate distribution maximizes V. It’s easy to show that if V -- the function saying how much you like different distribution—is not strictly convex, then you can’t construct such a scoring rule. If I recall correctly, these facts are also pointed out in one of the papers by Chen et al. on this topic.
I don’t find this very important, because I find expected utility maximization w.r.t. the predictors’ beliefs much more plausible than anything else. But if nothing else, this difference further shows that the proposed method is fundamentally different and more capable in some ways than other methods (like the one I proposed in my comment).
I want to mention this, as I think this is one of the reasons why I get queasy epistemically speaking around future doom claims, and why the people who disagree with some AI doomers are actually more rational than the doomers think. In particular, it’s why people claiming we should stop progress on AI isn’t actually a good thing, because optimism bias serves a very useful epistemic purpose.
In particular, it avoids us moving the goalposts on doom , because the problem with doom theories is that you can always the goalposts to the next thing, or the next year, and this is extremely bad when you consider that we have confirmation biases.