There are plenty of issues where “precise predictions” are available, yet the polarization is as bad as ever, such as drugs, birth control, gun control and taxes. So no, facts are no match for ideology.
There are plenty of issues where “precise predictions” are available, yet the polarization is as bad as ever, such as drugs, birth control, gun control and taxes.
The fact that statistics exist doesn’t mean that “precise predictions exist”. It especially doesn’t mean that stakeholders in the debate engage in the action of engaging in prediction making.
There are plenty of issues where “precise predictions” are available, yet the polarization is as bad as ever, such as drugs, birth control, gun control and taxes. So no, facts are no match for ideology.
The fact that statistics exist doesn’t mean that “precise predictions exist”. It especially doesn’t mean that stakeholders in the debate engage in the action of engaging in prediction making.
What kind of contextually-relevant “precise predictions” are there for e.g. gun control? Or taxes?