while different studies makes this look more or less difficult, India and the UK both appear to have successfully done this without obviously draconian behavioral interventions
India has largely been successful after they gave everybody Ivermectin.
The UK data looks very weird given that the drop in cases correlates with them releasing the lockdown. Understanding what happened there should be a pretty high priority.
Rapid tests are even worse, <50% sensitivity unless they’ve gotten much better in the last 6 months
In Berlin, rapid tests are available at many locations onsite and every citizen can get one per day and then gets the result within 15 minutes per email. The one that’s used next to my place has sensitivity: 98% and specificity: 99,10%
Principle: Variolation maybe good, still hard
Given that RaDVaC is an available option it’s very unclear to me why anyone would do variolation.
The UK was already mostly open before July 19. So “release the lockdown” is highly misleading. It’s also too early to see the effect of July 19 on cases.
India has largely been successful after they gave everybody Ivermectin.
The UK data looks very weird given that the drop in cases correlates with them releasing the lockdown. Understanding what happened there should be a pretty high priority.
In Berlin, rapid tests are available at many locations onsite and every citizen can get one per day and then gets the result within 15 minutes per email. The one that’s used next to my place has sensitivity: 98% and specificity: 99,10%
Given that RaDVaC is an available option it’s very unclear to me why anyone would do variolation.
The UK was already mostly open before July 19. So “release the lockdown” is highly misleading. It’s also too early to see the effect of July 19 on cases.