I recently wrote a Question about learning that lacked a lot of polish but poked at a few of the ideas discussed here. I haven’t had time just now to read the entire post but I plan to come back to it and comb through it to try to shore up the ideas I have about learning right now. I’m also reading Ultralearning which is interesting although a little popsci. I find all this stuff really interesting because I’ve been having a lot of trouble learning things lately, feeling like my brain just isn’t working like it used to since I got covid. I’ve tried programming probably 5-6 times in the past in my life and I’m giving it another go now, hoping it can stick this time.
Also, regarding Downwell: Try playing without ever jumping, just falling. Fall on enemies that are bounce-able without ever jumping or shooting and see how deep you can get. You can get pretty far this way!
I recently wrote a Question about learning that lacked a lot of polish but poked at a few of the ideas discussed here. I haven’t had time just now to read the entire post but I plan to come back to it and comb through it to try to shore up the ideas I have about learning right now. I’m also reading Ultralearning which is interesting although a little popsci. I find all this stuff really interesting because I’ve been having a lot of trouble learning things lately, feeling like my brain just isn’t working like it used to since I got covid. I’ve tried programming probably 5-6 times in the past in my life and I’m giving it another go now, hoping it can stick this time.
Also, regarding Downwell: Try playing without ever jumping, just falling. Fall on enemies that are bounce-able without ever jumping or shooting and see how deep you can get. You can get pretty far this way!