I agree, sort of, modulo your introduction of the rather ill-defined term “purpose of life”.
Which is why I started out saying I don’t know what a sane reason for offense is.
I suppose one could say, instead, that X is a sane reason for offense if feeling offense in the presence of X achieves useful results in that environment.
On that account, if taking offense at actions such as drawing pictures of Mohammad increases my status within my community, and if increased status is useful, then drawing pictures of Mohammad is a sane reason for offense within my community.
I was pretty sure that wasn’t what desrtopa was looking for either, though.
I agree, sort of, modulo your introduction of the rather ill-defined term “purpose of life”.
Which is why I started out saying I don’t know what a sane reason for offense is.
I suppose one could say, instead, that X is a sane reason for offense if feeling offense in the presence of X achieves useful results in that environment.
On that account, if taking offense at actions such as drawing pictures of Mohammad increases my status within my community, and if increased status is useful, then drawing pictures of Mohammad is a sane reason for offense within my community.
I was pretty sure that wasn’t what desrtopa was looking for either, though.