My first thought was to characterize a sane belief that justifies an emotional reaction reaction as one that creates a connection to one’s terminal values without being clearly counterfactual, but I’m not sure whether this is adequately transparent; I’m biased by having my own meaning in mind.
Using that standard, it seems entirely sane to be offended at the actions you list: they all have the effect of lowering the status of various symbols of my tribe, which in turn lowers my status.
I’m not sure this is true. For instance, in the case of urinating on the Torah, it’s an act that would be widely agreed to represent contempt for a symbol. It would be reasonable to interpret it as a deliberate assault on a representation of the group with which you affiliate.
In the case of drawing Mohammad, it’s not an act which generally denotes contempt; drawing symbols of various other cultural groups doesn’t constitute an attack. So for it to be a sane source of offense, you would need some justified belief which could complete the connection between the drawing and an attack on your group’s status. If you had reason to belief that the artist had drawn it to make a mockery of your traditions, that would be a sane belief which could complete the connection, but if you know the act was not done in ill spirits, what might you believe which could complete the connection?
(EDIT: You edited the parent after I replied; I take no responsibility for whether my reply has any relationship to the new parent. I really wish people would stop doing that. I may come back to this later and reconcile.)
Not quite transparent.
I more or less understand what it means for a belief B to not be clearly counterfactual, and what you mean by my terminal values V.
I don’t understand what it means for B to “justify an emotional reaction” E, and I understand what it means for B to “have a connection to” V, and I’m not sure what the relationship between B and V has to do with E.
(EDIT: You edited the parent after I replied; I take no responsibility for whether my reply has any relationship to the new parent. I really wish people would stop doing that. I may come back to this later and reconcile.)
For what it’s worth, your response wasn’t there when I started making the edit, and I didn’t see it until after I had changed my comment. I frequently find a few seconds after leaving a comment that I had more to say, and revise my comment to reflect it.
Yes, I understand that people do this. One consequence of doing it is that other people’s replies are retroactively disconnected from the thing they appear to reply to.
I just don’t like my replies being treated that way, is all.
Of course, I can’t do anything to prevent it, and nobody else is obligated to respect my preferences. The best I can do is edit my replies to note that any disconnections might be retroactive, which is what I did.
My first thought was to characterize a sane belief that justifies an emotional reaction reaction as one that creates a connection to one’s terminal values without being clearly counterfactual, but I’m not sure whether this is adequately transparent; I’m biased by having my own meaning in mind.
I’m not sure this is true. For instance, in the case of urinating on the Torah, it’s an act that would be widely agreed to represent contempt for a symbol. It would be reasonable to interpret it as a deliberate assault on a representation of the group with which you affiliate.
In the case of drawing Mohammad, it’s not an act which generally denotes contempt; drawing symbols of various other cultural groups doesn’t constitute an attack. So for it to be a sane source of offense, you would need some justified belief which could complete the connection between the drawing and an attack on your group’s status. If you had reason to belief that the artist had drawn it to make a mockery of your traditions, that would be a sane belief which could complete the connection, but if you know the act was not done in ill spirits, what might you believe which could complete the connection?
I might believe that the existence of the drawing lowers my group’s status, regardless of the artist’s intent.
(EDIT: You edited the parent after I replied; I take no responsibility for whether my reply has any relationship to the new parent. I really wish people would stop doing that. I may come back to this later and reconcile.)
Not quite transparent.
I more or less understand what it means for a belief B to not be clearly counterfactual, and what you mean by my terminal values V.
I don’t understand what it means for B to “justify an emotional reaction” E, and I understand what it means for B to “have a connection to” V, and I’m not sure what the relationship between B and V has to do with E.
For what it’s worth, your response wasn’t there when I started making the edit, and I didn’t see it until after I had changed my comment. I frequently find a few seconds after leaving a comment that I had more to say, and revise my comment to reflect it.
Yes, I understand that people do this. One consequence of doing it is that other people’s replies are retroactively disconnected from the thing they appear to reply to.
I just don’t like my replies being treated that way, is all.
Of course, I can’t do anything to prevent it, and nobody else is obligated to respect my preferences. The best I can do is edit my replies to note that any disconnections might be retroactive, which is what I did.