Wake up! In three days, that AI evolved from knowing nothing, to comprehensively beating an earlier AI which had been trained on a distillation of the best human experience. Do you think there’s a force in the world that can stand against that kind of strategic intelligence?
Therefore there might be some time between AGI being developed and it being able to reliably acquire the knowledge. If these people that develop it are friendly they might decide to distribute it to other people to make it harder for any one project to take off.
Knowledge of the terrain might be hard to get reliably
Knowing that the world is made of atoms should take an AI a long way.
If these people that develop [AGI] are friendly they might decide to distribute it to other people to make it harder for any one project to take off.
I hold to the classic definition of friendly AI as being AI with friendly values, which retains them (or even improves them) as it surpasses human intelligence and otherwise self-modifies. As far as I’m concerned, AlphaGo Zero demonstrates that raw problem-solving ability has crossed a dangerous threshold. We need to know what sort of “values” and “laws” should govern the choices of intelligent agents with such power.
Wake up! In three days, that AI evolved from knowing nothing, to comprehensively beating an earlier AI which had been trained on a distillation of the best human experience. Do you think there’s a force in the world that can stand against that kind of strategic intelligence?
So, a concrete bet then? What specifically are you worried about? In the form of a falsifiable claim, please.
edit: I am trying to make you feel better, the real way. The empiricist way.
Just answer the question.
And you’re the tax collector? Answer the question.
A brief reply.
Strategy is nothing without knowledge of the terrain.
Knowledge of the terrain might be hard to get reliably
Therefore there might be some time between AGI being developed and it being able to reliably acquire the knowledge. If these people that develop it are friendly they might decide to distribute it to other people to make it harder for any one project to take off.
Knowing that the world is made of atoms should take an AI a long way.
I hold to the classic definition of friendly AI as being AI with friendly values, which retains them (or even improves them) as it surpasses human intelligence and otherwise self-modifies. As far as I’m concerned, AlphaGo Zero demonstrates that raw problem-solving ability has crossed a dangerous threshold. We need to know what sort of “values” and “laws” should govern the choices of intelligent agents with such power.