I don’t think we disagree on anything substantive. You might find the post’s title misleading for a limited model like this, but I prefer it to something more disclaimer-heavy. For instance:
“A Toy Model Of Optimizing A Scalar-Valued Function Given Some Predictable Ability To Spend Time On Increasing The Rate of Change, But With A Discount Rate Included; Which Model May Be Of Some Analogous Application To Simple Work-Related Self-Optimization (Not Counting Self-Optimization Of Types That May Substantively Change One’s Goals And Valuations)”.
I agree on the first part. The rephrasing is perhaps a straw man. “The Math of When to Invest in Oneself,” would get the exact point across without the ambiguity of “self-improvement.”
I don’t think we disagree on anything substantive. You might find the post’s title misleading for a limited model like this, but I prefer it to something more disclaimer-heavy. For instance:
“A Toy Model Of Optimizing A Scalar-Valued Function Given Some Predictable Ability To Spend Time On Increasing The Rate of Change, But With A Discount Rate Included; Which Model May Be Of Some Analogous Application To Simple Work-Related Self-Optimization (Not Counting Self-Optimization Of Types That May Substantively Change One’s Goals And Valuations)”.
I agree on the first part. The rephrasing is perhaps a straw man. “The Math of When to Invest in Oneself,” would get the exact point across without the ambiguity of “self-improvement.”
Fair enough; it was just too fun not to post.
(Of course, they actually did titles like that in the 17th century.)