The IPCC already discusses some potential benefits: for example, there’s discussion increased water runoff reducing water stress in some parts of the world. My post is intended only as very high level summary, so I didn’t do research on potential benefits that are not discussed in the IPCC, but if there are some that seem especially important to you, I’ll consider adding them.
Did you deliberately avoid listing potential benefits because you were worried your article already came across as too positive?
The IPCC already discusses some potential benefits: for example, there’s discussion increased water runoff reducing water stress in some parts of the world. My post is intended only as very high level summary, so I didn’t do research on potential benefits that are not discussed in the IPCC, but if there are some that seem especially important to you, I’ll consider adding them.
This somewhat controversial paper estimates a net 849252 fewer deaths in 2050 due to warming from 6 disease types that they studied.