There is a concept in Japanese, sessa takuma (切磋琢磨), which lives in the same space as these, meaning “joyfully competitive striving for a common purpose”, or as Wiktionary puts it:
applying oneself and studying hard to cultivate oneself
friendly competition, improving oneself by learning from others
It is often used of the situation of people training at a martial arts dojo, but would also apply to a band, a football team, a cycling club, an MMORPG guild, and so on. It could even apply to a workplace.
The concept of jita-kyoei, part of the philosophy of judo, may also be relevant.
When we observe at the actual lives of people, it seems that there is a great deal of wasted energy. Even if it appears that people are utilising their energies effectively, it cannot be denied that there is still much room for improvement. We should cease meaningless conflict, and instead abide by the principle of Jita-Kyoei.
Japanese continues to have great names for things that I want to add to English’s trove of loan words. Thank you for this new addition to the collection!
There is a concept in Japanese, sessa takuma (切磋琢磨), which lives in the same space as these, meaning “joyfully competitive striving for a common purpose”, or as Wiktionary puts it:
It is often used of the situation of people training at a martial arts dojo, but would also apply to a band, a football team, a cycling club, an MMORPG guild, and so on. It could even apply to a workplace.
The concept of jita-kyoei, part of the philosophy of judo, may also be relevant.
Japanese continues to have great names for things that I want to add to English’s trove of loan words. Thank you for this new addition to the collection!