If you want medical researchers to publish all data they use in their experiments, you have to say good bye to privacy.
If you have enough data about the individual patients who entered a study on AIDS drugs you will be able to data mine whether your friend Joe has been one of the patients in the study.
Are we willing to live in a world where all medical data about everyone is in the public domain?
The trade offs are enormous but there isn’t much broad discussion about the question in the mainstream.
If you want medical researchers to publish all data they use in their experiments, you have to say good bye to privacy. If you have enough data about the individual patients who entered a study on AIDS drugs you will be able to data mine whether your friend Joe has been one of the patients in the study.
Are we willing to live in a world where all medical data about everyone is in the public domain? The trade offs are enormous but there isn’t much broad discussion about the question in the mainstream.