Interesting concept thanks! I will try, but I if you knew how bored I Am, I Am constantly looking whole day for pleasure otherwise pain is too much, I hunt even for 1 molecule of dopamine against working! Because I Am soo bored out of my mind that I can’t take it! And if I Am bored my whole head is tingling, and hurts insanely that I Am completely paralyzed, I even try 3 hours to do something and still defer it! I invest my whole energy to enduring pain of boredom and even that is becoming difficult! Geez...
Also I read you solve procrastination by motivation, instead of willing, because you have limited amounts of resources! This has been always true for me from experience, I never had motivation for anything. My dopamine system seems to be primed for far future, and by using will it is always 1 step forward: 2 steps back: it doesn’t work at all! Problem is I can’t do anything with my motivation :/
To add: it is so bad, I Am agitated all day from boredom and I Am doing nothing else than hunting for molecule to get rid of feeling like thorns in my brain. Sometimes I have minute of clarity and it is crazy how bad it is!
Motivation is the wrong approach, because you can’t control it much. Take advantage of it when you have it, but don’t worry about “getting motivated”. Willpower is also limited, so what you really want are habits: things that are easier to do than to not do. See my book review on how to convert limited willpower into habits.
Hypnotherapy, or self-hypnosis, may also be worth looking into, both for pain management, and for executive function/habit building. You can probably find library books on this.
I wish it was so simple. I don’t know how to make habbits since I Am waking every day each time at different time, besides I have nothing to do whole day is just enduring insane boredom and physical pain! Also I don’t have anything to reward myself with and I never have any motivation EVER for anything—it is complicated! I don’t even know how I will go sleep on time!!! Which is my most pressing problem, I Am so insanely bored it hurts like knives and even though of going to sleep is painful. Self-hypnosis, I never got hypnosis, but I have nothing to lose by trying… Don’t know if I will be even able currently. If I only could go asleep every day at 11pm, it would make my life so much more easier. Problem is I already spent reading thousands of articles about these issues and nothing works, because I Am very unorthodox person, and have weird issues… It is literally so bad I have maybe energy on something 5-15 minutes a day, rest is enduring pain literally!
Interesting concept thanks! I will try, but I if you knew how bored I Am, I Am constantly looking whole day for pleasure otherwise pain is too much, I hunt even for 1 molecule of dopamine against working! Because I Am soo bored out of my mind that I can’t take it! And if I Am bored my whole head is tingling, and hurts insanely that I Am completely paralyzed, I even try 3 hours to do something and still defer it! I invest my whole energy to enduring pain of boredom and even that is becoming difficult! Geez...
Also I read you solve procrastination by motivation, instead of willing, because you have limited amounts of resources! This has been always true for me from experience, I never had motivation for anything. My dopamine system seems to be primed for far future, and by using will it is always 1 step forward: 2 steps back: it doesn’t work at all! Problem is I can’t do anything with my motivation :/
To add: it is so bad, I Am agitated all day from boredom and I Am doing nothing else than hunting for molecule to get rid of feeling like thorns in my brain. Sometimes I have minute of clarity and it is crazy how bad it is!
Motivation is the wrong approach, because you can’t control it much. Take advantage of it when you have it, but don’t worry about “getting motivated”. Willpower is also limited, so what you really want are habits: things that are easier to do than to not do. See my book review on how to convert limited willpower into habits.
Hypnotherapy, or self-hypnosis, may also be worth looking into, both for pain management, and for executive function/habit building. You can probably find library books on this.
I wish it was so simple. I don’t know how to make habbits since I Am waking every day each time at different time, besides I have nothing to do whole day is just enduring insane boredom and physical pain! Also I don’t have anything to reward myself with and I never have any motivation EVER for anything—it is complicated! I don’t even know how I will go sleep on time!!! Which is my most pressing problem, I Am so insanely bored it hurts like knives and even though of going to sleep is painful. Self-hypnosis, I never got hypnosis, but I have nothing to lose by trying… Don’t know if I will be even able currently. If I only could go asleep every day at 11pm, it would make my life so much more easier. Problem is I already spent reading thousands of articles about these issues and nothing works, because I Am very unorthodox person, and have weird issues… It is literally so bad I have maybe energy on something 5-15 minutes a day, rest is enduring pain literally!