I’ve noticed that quite often long before seeing this article. There seems to be a strong tendency for people to try to present themselves as breaking old, established stereotypes even when the person they’re arguing against says exactly the same thing, and in some cases where the stereotype has only been around for a very short time (I recall one article arguing against the idea of Afghanistan being “the graveyard of empires”, which in my understanding was an idea that had surfaced around 6 months prior to that article with the publication of a specific book).
However, this does add an interesting dimension to it, with the fact that Type 2 positions actually were founded on a rejection of old, untrue beliefs of Type 1s, and Type 3s often resemble Type 1s. In fact I’d say that in every listed political example, the Type 2s who know about Type 3s will usually lump them in with Type 1s.
This is, IMO, good in a way because it limits us from massive proliferation of levels over and over again and the resulting complications; instead we just get added nuance into the Type 2 and 3 positions.
I’ve noticed that quite often long before seeing this article. There seems to be a strong tendency for people to try to present themselves as breaking old, established stereotypes even when the person they’re arguing against says exactly the same thing, and in some cases where the stereotype has only been around for a very short time (I recall one article arguing against the idea of Afghanistan being “the graveyard of empires”, which in my understanding was an idea that had surfaced around 6 months prior to that article with the publication of a specific book).
However, this does add an interesting dimension to it, with the fact that Type 2 positions actually were founded on a rejection of old, untrue beliefs of Type 1s, and Type 3s often resemble Type 1s. In fact I’d say that in every listed political example, the Type 2s who know about Type 3s will usually lump them in with Type 1s. This is, IMO, good in a way because it limits us from massive proliferation of levels over and over again and the resulting complications; instead we just get added nuance into the Type 2 and 3 positions.