I cannot distinguish level of libertarians and conservatives—they look like undifferentiated low status mob at the bottom of signaling hierarchy, with liberals being in the standard smart-people-cluster.
Most of your other examples of meta-contrarianism I might be sympathetic to or feel it’s misguided attempt at being too smart for own good—but not libertarians—they’re on the KKK, 9/11 truthers, climate change deniers, and Obama-is-a-Muslim level of respectability—and in fact these groups vargely overlap.
Quality meta-contrarianism about climate change is mostly geo-engineering and nuclear power—the “sure, IPCC is right, warming is real, but it doesn’t matter as your solutions suck” position.
I cannot distinguish level of libertarians and conservatives—they look like undifferentiated low status mob at the bottom of signaling hierarchy, with liberals being in the standard smart-people-cluster.
Most of your other examples of meta-contrarianism I might be sympathetic to or feel it’s misguided attempt at being too smart for own good—but not libertarians—they’re on the KKK, 9/11 truthers, climate change deniers, and Obama-is-a-Muslim level of respectability—and in fact these groups vargely overlap.
If you want to see some actual quality meta-contrarianism about economy, Scott Sumner’s revival monetarism or perhaps folk versions of Hyman Minsky are just that—arguing against the smart contrarian cluster from position of epistemic and signaling superiority.
Quality meta-contrarianism about climate change is mostly geo-engineering and nuclear power—the “sure, IPCC is right, warming is real, but it doesn’t matter as your solutions suck” position.
If we’re going to start breaking the no politics rule can we at least avoid egregious trolling.