I’m not sure that this mental line of defence would necessarily hold, us humans are easily manipulated by things that we know to be extremely simple agents that are definitely trying to manipulate us all the time: babies, puppies, kittens, etc.
This still holds true a significant amount of the time even if we pre-warn ourselves against the pending manipulation—there is a recurrent meme of, eg, dads in families not ostensibly not wanting a pet, only to relent when presented with one.
I’m not sure that this mental line of defence would necessarily hold, us humans are easily manipulated by things that we know to be extremely simple agents that are definitely trying to manipulate us all the time: babies, puppies, kittens, etc.
This still holds true a significant amount of the time even if we pre-warn ourselves against the pending manipulation—there is a recurrent meme of, eg, dads in families not ostensibly not wanting a pet, only to relent when presented with one.