Many philosophical problems seem to have correct solutions, so I have some hope. For example, the Absent-Minded Driver problem is a philosophical problem with a clear correct solution. Formalizing the intuitive process that leads to solving such problems might be safer than solving them all up front (possibly incorrectly) and coding the solutions into FAI.
Why? vNM utility maximization seems like a philosophical idea that’s clearly on the right track. There might be other such ideas about being friendly to imperfect agents.
Many philosophical problems seem to have correct solutions, so I have some hope. For example, the Absent-Minded Driver problem is a philosophical problem with a clear correct solution. Formalizing the intuitive process that leads to solving such problems might be safer than solving them all up front (possibly incorrectly) and coding the solutions into FAI.
It seems that the problems to do with rationality have correct solutions, but not the problems to do with values.
Why? vNM utility maximization seems like a philosophical idea that’s clearly on the right track. There might be other such ideas about being friendly to imperfect agents.
vNM is rationality—decisions.
Being friendly to imperfect agents is something I’ve seen no evidence for; it’s very hard to even define.