I can feel this post triggering a little BlueVsGreen thinking habits. Instead I’m going to attempt to stay Bruce Banner, and simply ask for clarification, but if my comments appear frustrated/insulting- please forgive me.
Can someone, OP or otherwise, explain to me, directly, the connection being made between Penn’s rant and rationalists loving hedonism? Even if I accept each assertion, the materials don’t construct a train-track capable of being traveled for my brain:
What does Penn’s rant have to do with the nature of the goals we choose and should choose?
Winning short term goals can be destructive to long term goals; I got it. Again though, not seeing the connection to prior prior paragraphs. The seduction of short term, even wanting seemingly human-long(years) instead of generations-long goals. Got it. Important topic. However, again: how does this relate to previous paragraphs of Obama/Penn/society/elites/etc?
My inklings-
There is a lot of talk about Penn- or is this a hidden discussion of high-utility Obama and HIS hedonistic behavior? Not accusing, but when I supported a color team, I found it difficult to directly associate faults the team leader.
Am I over analyzing due to repeated pattern-exposure/anchoring to difficult not-how-homo-sapians-were-evolved-to-think bias Articles of Truth+3? Should this instead be taken as a loose interior monologue to explain how one event (the video) sparked a series of associations to bring up a topic worthy of further discussion (devilish attraction of short-term/winnable goals)?
Again, ending topic is very worthy of discussion- but I’m not seeing how it fits together
Edit: fixed link error with a bigger error, then fixed again.
The high-status elites Eneasz refers to are rewarded by society with praise, respect, worship, etc. for playing the game in near mode, focusing mainly on maintaining their high status-profiles with little ulterior motives (at least, little that have a high probability of creating net world-wide utility). Such would be the same feedback loop for near-mode winning rationalist hedons.
That’s how I understood the transition, anyhow.
I agree the danger is certainly worth considering, and think we should remember Machiavelli’s position on the role of princes: The Prince’s duty is to attain power and maintain it, by whatever means necessary to ensure the benefit of his people. *Paraphrased
Id est, the ends justify the means, but only so long as the ends benefit the people; purely status oriented games only benefit those who play them.
Yes to the “loose interior monologue” bit. The video sparked a question about what society considers to be “winning” and how the meme of winning rationalists relates to that. And in the future you may want to include your inklings right after you mention your suspicions of blue/green thinking, I almost downvoted you because I thought you were just another complainer. Upvoted because I found your first inkling interesting and not obviously wrong.
I can feel this post triggering a little BlueVsGreen thinking habits. Instead I’m going to attempt to stay Bruce Banner, and simply ask for clarification, but if my comments appear frustrated/insulting- please forgive me.
Can someone, OP or otherwise, explain to me, directly, the connection being made between Penn’s rant and rationalists loving hedonism? Even if I accept each assertion, the materials don’t construct a train-track capable of being traveled for my brain:
What does Penn’s rant have to do with the nature of the goals we choose and should choose?
Winning short term goals can be destructive to long term goals; I got it. Again though, not seeing the connection to prior prior paragraphs. The seduction of short term, even wanting seemingly human-long(years) instead of generations-long goals. Got it. Important topic. However, again: how does this relate to previous paragraphs of Obama/Penn/society/elites/etc?
My inklings-
There is a lot of talk about Penn- or is this a hidden discussion of high-utility Obama and HIS hedonistic behavior? Not accusing, but when I supported a color team, I found it difficult to directly associate faults the team leader.
Am I over analyzing due to repeated pattern-exposure/anchoring to difficult not-how-homo-sapians-were-evolved-to-think bias Articles of Truth+3? Should this instead be taken as a loose interior monologue to explain how one event (the video) sparked a series of associations to bring up a topic worthy of further discussion (devilish attraction of short-term/winnable goals)?
Again, ending topic is very worthy of discussion- but I’m not seeing how it fits together
Edit: fixed link error with a bigger error, then fixed again.
The high-status elites Eneasz refers to are rewarded by society with praise, respect, worship, etc. for playing the game in near mode, focusing mainly on maintaining their high status-profiles with little ulterior motives (at least, little that have a high probability of creating net world-wide utility). Such would be the same feedback loop for near-mode winning rationalist hedons.
That’s how I understood the transition, anyhow.
I agree the danger is certainly worth considering, and think we should remember Machiavelli’s position on the role of princes: The Prince’s duty is to attain power and maintain it, by whatever means necessary to ensure the benefit of his people. *Paraphrased
Id est, the ends justify the means, but only so long as the ends benefit the people; purely status oriented games only benefit those who play them.
Yes to the “loose interior monologue” bit. The video sparked a question about what society considers to be “winning” and how the meme of winning rationalists relates to that. And in the future you may want to include your inklings right after you mention your suspicions of blue/green thinking, I almost downvoted you because I thought you were just another complainer. Upvoted because I found your first inkling interesting and not obviously wrong.