Online poker has recently been getting tougher every year, but it’s not at all certain that this’ll continue.
There could actually be a significant softening period coming up. Especially because the U.S. is moving towards dropping certain legislation, leading to a renewed explosion of U.S. players. Asia could also see a poker boom in the near future.
In general, in recent years almost every bad thing that could conceivably happen to online poker has happened, and it still hasn’t actually been very bad, with the industry maintaining growth. It’s difficult for the amount of (non-difficult) difficulties to not drop.
Online poker has recently been getting tougher every year, but it’s not at all certain that this’ll continue.
There could actually be a significant softening period coming up. Especially because the U.S. is moving towards dropping certain legislation, leading to a renewed explosion of U.S. players. Asia could also see a poker boom in the near future.
In general, in recent years almost every bad thing that could conceivably happen to online poker has happened, and it still hasn’t actually been very bad, with the industry maintaining growth. It’s difficult for the amount of (non-difficult) difficulties to not drop.