As with a boxed AGI, there are many factors that would tempt the owners of an Oracle AI to transform it to an autonomously acting agent. Such an AGI would be far more effective in furthering its goals, but also far more dangerous.
You may be tacitly assuming that an AI is either passive, like Oracle AI , .or dangerously agentive. But we already have agentive AIs that haven’t killed us.
I am making a three way distinction between
Non agentive AI
Limited agentive AI
Maximally agentive AI, .or “God” AI.
Non agentive AI is passive, doing nothing once it has finished processing its current request. It is typified by Oracle AI.
Limited agentive AI performs specific functions, and operates under effective overrides and safety protocols.
(For instance, whilst it would destroy the effectiveness of automated trading software to have a human okaying each trade, it nonetheless has kill switches and sanity checks).
Both are examples of Tool AI. Tool AI can be used to do dangerous things, but the responsibility ultimately falls on the tool us
Maximally agentive AI is not passive by default, and has a wide range if capabilities. It may be in charge of other AIs, or have effectors that allow it to take real world actions directly. Attempts may have been made to add safety features, but their effectiveness would be in doubt...thatis just the hard problem of AI friendliness that MIRI writes so much about.
The contrary view is that there is no need to render God AIs safe technologically, because other is no incentive to build them.(Which does not mean the whole field of AI safety is pointless
On the other hand you may be distinguishing between limited and maximal agency, but arguing that there is a slippery slope leading from the one to the other. The political analogy shows that people are capable of putting a barrier across the slope: people are generally happy to give some power to some politicians, but resist moves to give all the power to one person.
On the other hand, people might be tempted to give AIs more power once they have a track record of reliability, but a track record of reliability is itself a kind of empirical safety proof.
There is a further argument to the effect that we are gradually giving more autonomy to agentive AIs (without moving entirely away from oracle AIs like Google) , but that gradual increase is being paralelled by an incremental approach to AI safety, for instance in automated trading systems, which have been given both more ability to trade without detailed oversight, and more powerful overrides. Hypothetically, increased autonomy without increased safety measures would mean increased danger, but that is not the case in reality. I am not arguing against AI danger and safety measures overall, I am arguing against a grandiose, all-or-nothing conception of AI safety and danger.
You may be tacitly assuming that an AI is either passive, like Oracle AI , .or dangerously agentive. But we already have agentive AIs that haven’t killed us.
I am making a three way distinction between
Non agentive AI
Limited agentive AI
Maximally agentive AI, .or “God” AI.
Non agentive AI is passive, doing nothing once it has finished processing its current request. It is typified by Oracle AI. Limited agentive AI performs specific functions, and operates under effective overrides and safety protocols. (For instance, whilst it would destroy the effectiveness of automated trading software to have a human okaying each trade, it nonetheless has kill switches and sanity checks). Both are examples of Tool AI. Tool AI can be used to do dangerous things, but the responsibility ultimately falls on the tool us Maximally agentive AI is not passive by default, and has a wide range if capabilities. It may be in charge of other AIs, or have effectors that allow it to take real world actions directly. Attempts may have been made to add safety features, but their effectiveness would be in doubt...thatis just the hard problem of AI friendliness that MIRI writes so much about.
The contrary view is that there is no need to render God AIs safe technologically, because other is no incentive to build them.(Which does not mean the whole field of AI safety is pointless
On the other hand you may be distinguishing between limited and maximal agency, but arguing that there is a slippery slope leading from the one to the other. The political analogy shows that people are capable of putting a barrier across the slope: people are generally happy to give some power to some politicians, but resist moves to give all the power to one person.
On the other hand, people might be tempted to give AIs more power once they have a track record of reliability, but a track record of reliability is itself a kind of empirical safety proof.
There is a further argument to the effect that we are gradually giving more autonomy to agentive AIs (without moving entirely away from oracle AIs like Google) , but that gradual increase is being paralelled by an incremental approach to AI safety, for instance in automated trading systems, which have been given both more ability to trade without detailed oversight, and more powerful overrides. Hypothetically, increased autonomy without increased safety measures would mean increased danger, but that is not the case in reality. I am not arguing against AI danger and safety measures overall, I am arguing against a grandiose, all-or-nothing conception of AI safety and danger.