it is a well-known an widely accepted without much evidence idea that brain just can’t be simulated by any sort of Turing machine.
Is it? I don’t think I’ve ever encountered this view. I think the opposite view that the brain is approximated by a turing machine is widely voiced, e.g. Kurzweil.
You mean you’ve never met any non-transhumanophile and/or non-SF-bay human? (I kid, I kid.)
Walk down to your nearest non-SF-bay starbucks and ask the first person in a business suit if they think we could ever simulate brains on computers. Wager you on >4:1 odds that they’ll say something that boils down to “Nope, impossible.”
For starters, the majority of devout religious followers (which is, what, more than half the worldwide population? more than 80%?) apparently believe souls are necessary for human brains to work correctly. Or at least for humans to work correctly, which if they knew enough about brains would probably lead them to believe the former (limited personal experience!). (EDIT: Addendum: They also have the prior, even if unaware of it, that nothing can emulate souls, at least in physics.)
Now, if you restrict yourself to people familiar with these formulations (“Whether human brains can be simulated by any turing machine in principle”) to immediately give a coherent answer, your odds will naturally go up. There’s some selection effect where people who learn about data theory, turing machines and human brains (as a conjunction) tend to also be people who believe human brains can be emulated like any other data by a turing machine, unsurprisingly enough in retrospect.
If so, then the explanation proposed by Lalartu won’t hold water with the target audience, i.e. the subset of humans who don’t happen to hold that idea for granted.
If it’s not, and the audience includes general-muggle-population in any non-accidental capacity, then it’s worth pointing out that the majority of people accept the idea for granted, and thus that that subset of the target audience would take this explanation in stride.
Either way, the issue is relevant.
Mostly, I just wanted to respond to the emotionally-surprising assertion that they’d never cognizantly encountered this view.
Is it? I don’t think I’ve ever encountered this view. I think the opposite view that the brain is approximated by a turing machine is widely voiced, e.g. Kurzweil.
You mean you’ve never met any non-transhumanophile and/or non-SF-bay human? (I kid, I kid.)
Walk down to your nearest non-SF-bay starbucks and ask the first person in a business suit if they think we could ever simulate brains on computers. Wager you on >4:1 odds that they’ll say something that boils down to “Nope, impossible.”
For starters, the majority of devout religious followers (which is, what, more than half the worldwide population? more than 80%?) apparently believe souls are necessary for human brains to work correctly. Or at least for humans to work correctly, which if they knew enough about brains would probably lead them to believe the former (limited personal experience!). (EDIT: Addendum: They also have the prior, even if unaware of it, that nothing can emulate souls, at least in physics.)
Now, if you restrict yourself to people familiar with these formulations (“Whether human brains can be simulated by any turing machine in principle”) to immediately give a coherent answer, your odds will naturally go up. There’s some selection effect where people who learn about data theory, turing machines and human brains (as a conjunction) tend to also be people who believe human brains can be emulated like any other data by a turing machine, unsurprisingly enough in retrospect.
I’m not sure they’re a big part of listic’s target audience.
If so, then the explanation proposed by Lalartu won’t hold water with the target audience, i.e. the subset of humans who don’t happen to hold that idea for granted.
If it’s not, and the audience includes general-muggle-population in any non-accidental capacity, then it’s worth pointing out that the majority of people accept the idea for granted, and thus that that subset of the target audience would take this explanation in stride.
Either way, the issue is relevant.
Mostly, I just wanted to respond to the emotionally-surprising assertion that they’d never cognizantly encountered this view.