AlphaCode 2, which is powered by Gemini Pro, seems like a big deal.
AlphaCode (Li et al., 2022) was the first AI system to perform at the level of the median competitor in competitive programming, a difficult reasoning task involving advanced maths, logic and computer science. This paper introduces AlphaCode 2, a new and enhanced system with massively improved performance, powered by Gemini (Gemini Team, Google, 2023). AlphaCode 2 relies on the combination of powerful language models and a bespoke search and reranking mechanism. When evaluated on the same platform as the original AlphaCode, we found that AlphaCode 2 solved 1.7× more problems, and performed better than 85% of competition participants.
Seems important for speeding up coders or even model self-improvement, unless competitive coding benchmarks are deceptive for actual applications for ML training.
AlphaCode 2, which is powered by Gemini Pro, seems like a big deal.
Seems important for speeding up coders or even model self-improvement, unless competitive coding benchmarks are deceptive for actual applications for ML training.
Looks like there might be some test data leakage