″”A large body of evidence[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][7][8][9][10] has established that a defining characteristic of cognitive biases is that they manifest automatically and unconsciously over a wide range of human reasoning, so even those aware of the existence of the phenomenon are unable to detect, let alone mitigate, their manifestation via awareness only.”″
AFAIK, currently, none of them. The entire effort is futile and the introductory paragraph to Lesswrong appears self-defeating in light of this. I think there is far more too this place that cognitive bias mitigation.
″”A large body of evidence[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][7][8][9][10] has established that a defining characteristic of cognitive biases is that they manifest automatically and unconsciously over a wide range of human reasoning, so even those aware of the existence of the phenomenon are unable to detect, let alone mitigate, their manifestation via awareness only.”″
AFAIK, currently, none of them. The entire effort is futile and the introductory paragraph to Lesswrong appears self-defeating in light of this. I think there is far more too this place that cognitive bias mitigation.